

February 9 2014
A checked a few things off the to-do list. Most importantly the toilet pump which never functioned properly was thrown out and a new clean replacement went in. This was a project I feared, for the waste in the tubes, however nothing but a little sea water came out. The whole switch took about 30 minutes and I did it while Mia was running some errands so I had my own freedom to face the mess alone. It really wasn’t bad. The real disgusting element was cleaning the bowl so that I wasn’t inclined to replace that, too. You see, the previous pump allowed waste to back flow into the bowl, so the waste water (pee) would just stay at a level in the bowl and that stained it…like clay. I had to wear globes and get some soft scrub with bleach went at it with a sponge. Looks brand new now.
I was so proud of my new head (bathroom) improvement that I cleaned out the storage shelf and clean the counter top and sink and floor. I found a leak from the waste tank hose that serves as a vent up through a stanchion. Rain must come in and drip down the hose and has cause the shelf and the counter wood to get soft. It also soaked a box of band aides and some old cold medicine.
After that I got to sanding off the rest of the name from the transom. It revealed the shadow of a previous name therefore I have to add the step of repainting it before I can apply A CENOURA to it. I think I’ll be glad I do that though.
I also replaced the outlet in the head because the screw for the outlet cover broke apart inside the outlet. Everything works again, there, too!
In between all of this boat excitement, Mia and I went to my college friends birthday party at muldoons in Newport Beach, it was awesome to see a few old friends. Hailey’s birthday serves as sort of a reunion for that group.

Philip Skinner