
February 6 2014
Thankfully it rained for about half the day today, and snowed up in the sierras. California is in a serious drought yet nobody around Southern California seems to be feeling it yet or changing their usage habits. 
Last winter it seem…

February 6 2014
Thankfully it rained for about half the day today, and snowed up in the sierras. California is in a serious drought yet nobody around Southern California seems to be feeling it yet or changing their usage habits.
Last winter it seemed to rain all throughout December and January, it made my first winter living on the boat pretty uncomfortable with the leaking window and raccoon hijack and trying to keep dry.
This year has been a breeze, nothing other than bringing in a towel from outside changes when it rains. However, for the sake of water supply I’d gladly repeat last years wet winter if it could fix the looming drought concern.

Philip Skinner