

February 5 2014
There’s some exciting news around here. That is, if new dock slip finger piers and replacement toilet pumps are something that excites you. It probably doesn’t. My neighbors moved their sailboat out Monday morning and on Tuesday I was woken up to a couple of hired guys ripping apart the wooden boards. This, I suspect, is because when the powerboat accident took place over last summer, other people stood on the finger piers and their poor stability was brought to the attention of people who could do something about it. Evidently they repaired a section of the dock on my starboard side and had to untie my lines to do it. I just wish they had told me (when I asked them) because I had left the fenders off, and up on the deck after waxing the boat, and nothing was there to protect it from bumping against the port side dock while the crew untied the lines to work. Oh well, I’ve become quite an expert at removing these scuff marks.

Philip Skinner