My boat is the one with the cosmetic and scuff marks. My neighbors Ericson 28 is the one with twisted, gnarled metal, and their dock cleat was ripped clear out of the dock.
So what happened?
If you remember there is a bayliner across the water behind my boat and his stalled one day, I roped it back into his slip and he graciously gave me a 6 pack of bud light. Well sometime Tuesday afternoon he lost control of his boat and plowed into my neighbors, evidentially for a long time, supposedly “the throttle stuck”. Because it drove the tied sailboat up onto the dock, breaking the dock storage box, snapping a bow line, sheering off a midship cleat, pulling out the dock cleat, and somehow rocking the boats side deep enough for their rub-rail to catch the lip of the dock.
It’s really a bummer because my neighbors just had their boat pulled out for 2 weeks for a bottom painting and waxing and they spent all weekend getting it back and cleaning and detailing it. They have a brand new dinghy which now looks like it was dropped onto a freeway and ran over. The stern rails are all heavily damaged, and some fiberglass as well.
A Cenoura got lucky here, I think thanks to the dock blocking the wreckage. I will call it in but I feel silly making a fuss over such little damage - however, it’s ugly and bugs me now and isn’t my fault.
The bayliner could use a new stanchion and touch up on paint, but otherwise doesn’t appear to have just bulldozed its neighbors.
The good thing is that people were around, it wasn’t an anonymous act, and the harbor patrol had to come pry the boats apart, so everyone is sort of aware of the event.