I feel like a jerk. Let me tell you why. Real quick- that’s not my boat above, rather a picture emailed from my dads friend, Larry, who used to sail with my parents in New York. The dog sure seems happy about the grounding. There are usually people taking their morning walks or runs on the sidewalk along the docks, I recognize some of them now. Usually people are in that feeling of morning fog when they just don’t want to talk, so maybe polite eye contact or a smile and head nod is totally appropriate. This morning I was exhausted, because yesterday I woke up at 530 and surfed for almost 2 hours, worked for about 9, then worked out for 2 more. I love days like that, but it’s difficult to roll out of bed after 6 hours of sleep the following morning. So I was sort of dragging my feet up the dock to the sidewalk, mouth full of a cinnamon muffin I scarf down between my boat and my truck every morning, and then when I turned the gate door handle to open it, it was all greasy and slimy - pretty gross - I look up suddenly and there’s an old guy walking by and he says to me, “Hello! Good morning! Have a great day!” - happiest walker I’ve ever seen.
I couldn’t speak because I was chewing, and he swiftly walked away, I never acknowledged him, really. As I finished my muffin and washed my slimy hand I realized I really need to put on my good-morning-game-face from now on.