Time has really been flying by with the new year, I can’t really believe it’s March. We have gradually accumulated a normal amount of house furniture, browing craigslist and other selling apps for good deals on must-have items, and waiting for holiday sales to get anything new. I’ve had multiple battles with the thin and wavy drywall in this house, broken no less than 4 Philips-head screwdriver tips, and successfully diagnosed and fix our screeching garage door. I still have not been down to the mystery hut on our property. It’s seeing all these freaky unfamiliar spider species (coming from a boat, with not bugs) that kind of has me mentally scared. We’ve had family and friends over which I think has been the best part - sharing the space - and I think we’ve only bought take-out food 2 or 3 times. That’s a huge change from living on the boat. I can stand here and write this with the windows open, looking at a lizard sun bathing in partial shade from a palm tree across a rock in the backyard, and flinching frequently to the loud noises coming from the neighbor having a fence installed between our property.
Aside from house life, I traveled to San Francisco and Denver for work already this year, came back sick for 2 weeks - this is a scary time to be sick with anything or traveling, I know - and I’ve been going to see Journey, the horse either with Mia or also by myself when Mia can’t go certain days. I think he recognizes my jacket I always wear and knows that I should have carrots for him. Here’s some pictures from early this morning, I went with Mia over to the horse.