

Back in August, Mia’s sister Maeve went off to college which meant that Mia’s ultimate master plan to have a horse in LA started to take form. The horse we all know and love, Journey (see so many old posts..), was driven down with Mia, Annie, and Maeve following in another car, to Portuguese Bend Riding Club here in Palos Verdes, the most beautiful un-Los Angeles place in Los Angeles. 

The facilities are a magical mix of horse stables and California missions. As you can tell, I love taking pictures here. That’s even better now because I recently purchased a very used and old (think 1990) Nikon lens (80mm-200mm f2.8) which is built like a tank and has so much torque when it focuses it actually moves the camera body. Anyway, the pictures below contain some of the results of combining classic camera lens and classic horse barn.

Journey gets visited almost every day by Mia now, and in November Maeve came back for Thanksgiving and got to ride Journey again - “He’s a different horse!” was said no less than 100 times. 

It’s been really awesome seeing how Mia will wake up at 6am and pack for work just to drive up and see Journey, walk or ride him, feed him, and then head to her job by 9am. Hopefully when the time changes and sun sets later she can switch back to going after work! 

As for me, I used to be kind of spooked by these extremely large and semi clumsy animals, and maybe it’s because Journey is so chill, but now a days I’m giving him neck massages and more pets than he could even want - I know I’ve hit that threshold when he starts to eat my shirt. 

Philip Skinner