What you see here is the week around 9/11. The top is a similar photo I took in the winter taken upside down of the reflection behind my boat on the calm water. Then the sky that same day. It was actually colder than it looks. Also, it has that far-away-fire smokey haze to it, but I don’t believe there were any fires.
This is the first week that you could tell that fall is approaching. The drive home from work while the sun was almost set compared to having 3 more hours of daylight, it’s a feeling. Partially good, but partially not good.
That anchor in the bed of my truck belongs to Planet, my dads boat. About a month ago when I was sailing with Mia and her brother, sister, cousin, and roommate, it was really windy. My dad actually motored down to Redondo and after a few failed anchoring attempts due to such strong wind, he found a solid spot in a slightly different location about 40 yards away. It was so stuck, in fact, that it was permanently stuck. So he had to let out over a hundred feet of chain until the rode (rope) was unreeling, and cut that off, abandoning the chain and anchor - until he found out harbor patrol will go retrieve it for free- nice! So I met him and we tossed it in my truck for me to drive back to Marina Del Rey.
Finally just a picture of my bike at the gym.
Also today I came home after being gone for 13 hours to find someone tool my hose nozzle. What the hell.