

Sunday July 13 2014
The weekend went by too fast. Both days started by prioritizing a set of chores, mostly, and things I wanted to do in between. Everything was set in motion Friday when I brought my truck to a tire place because the 5 year old, 57500 mile old big fat meaty off road tires on my truck were showing too much wear and tear than I could ignore any longer. The diagnosis wasn’t just new badly-needed tires, but also all four shocks and the alignment that goes with it all. Some bartering and offering of cases of energy drink to the mechanic and out the door I paid $1300 for probably $1600 of labor and parts. When I drove away Saturday morning after picking it up, I quickly realized that it felt like a brand new car, not even a truck, but like a Cadillac, almost like a boat. Just soft and pillowy and no other road noise except for the engine. No more rattling at low speeds and rubber slapping hums at high speeds. I then washed it, waxed it- huge pain- and can stand back and feel okay about my worthwhile increased credit card debt.
On Sunday I made banana and blueberry pancakes, scrubbed the pan and plates clean, scrubbed more of the wax off of the truck, scrubbed the growth off the bottom of the sabot, had a short workout, came back and sailed the sabot, came back and did laundry. I was pleased that the easiest and quickest of those tasks was cleaning the sabot.

Philip Skinner