Strong south wind today is making for clear skies and tempting sailing conditions. As I was going about my business refilling the fresh water tanks, drinking my morning coffee, my neighbors were tooling with their fidgety motor. About an hour later I came up to the cockpit and noticed them stalled against the stern of other boats.
“Hey. Uh, you guys need help’”
“Do you have a dinghy?”
“No, but I have a long line”
“Okay, what do we do with that?”
I grabbed the 120’ old jib sheet I saved in my dock box, tied it around his bow cleat. Hopped along the rocks and over to his dock and we pulled his bayliner into the slip.
They were generously appreciative and gave me a 6er of bud light.
Moments later I went up to my truck to go run errands and it wouldn’t start. That sucks. I used my large empty parking lot by running and pushing my truck, jumping in and popping the clutch- magic, the engine turned over.
Now it’s a wait-and-see because I dropped it off at a mechanic that was open.
Talk about an exciting Saturday.