

Saturday June 29: I woke up really early after a moderate night out, therefore not 100% energetic, but things had to get done. I drove to a car stereo place to see what could be done in order to play music from my phone (pandora) while driving. This was urgent because of a road trip this upcoming week. I rode my bike home to wait the verdict. Got a call an hour later saying it was done, perfect, although the bike ride back was all up hill and it was about 80 outside.
After that I stopped at Westmarine to pick up a couple boat presents. I hold on to the split back stays a lot, but didn’t want to always grab the wire - so shroud covers are now there and I’ll take them off the clean dirt out of the wires regularly. Also I bought a new winch handle for $65 because both of the ones that came with the boat were rusty and a pain to use.
I cleaned the plastic/glass port holes, Mia came over and we sailed to Bluff cove which is on the Torrance/Redondo Beach side of Palos Verdes. Other than anchoring in the King Harbor channel, I belive this is the next closest and safe place. I Dropped anchor and let the boat drift back on its own, dove in and had lunch and laid out. I had never dove off my boat before - Fallen off, yes, but not dove purposely. Mia, upon finding this out, said we had to do it. I’m glad we did because my boat looks great from the water and it made feel proud seeing it there at anchor. We left left during a calm sunset while a serious fog bank rolled in. Within minutes we were motoring back to the direction my cell phone told me was correct, surrounded by a pink and orange glowing fog- it was pretty awesome -and then it was pitch black and we couldn’t see past the bow. I slowed down and we kept are eyes peeled for anything whole constantly checking my iPhone GPS. It worked perfect, we were dead on at the harbor entrance. The fog was so thick it felt like it was raining- everything was soaked and you can see it in one of the photos.

Philip Skinner