

New Years 2013/2014

About a year ago I paid a company a lot of money to send somebody out who bled time at my boat, charged hourly, and did a really poor job making something safe. That’s because he didn’t. $700 got me the same exact problem one year later, on a $1.50 part.  On new years eve, the outlet burnt up again and this time I was just running a fan off of it, so no way that it could have been over-loaded. Anyways, I fixed it with a new outlet and some terminal ends, about $6. I got off work and made it home before dark but I put the headlamp my mom got me from REI to good use as it was getting dark and I couldn’t use any boat power. My NYE celebration was dinner with Mia and playing old N64 video games, it’s a ton of fun. I decorated the boat a little, too. On New Years day we went sailing, more accurately just motoring because the wind was so weak. There was a nice sunset and since it’s not 2013 anymore I put a new registration sticker on the boat. I went bodysurfing with these awesome new fins, and I went mind surfing next to the poster on a hallway wall at my work.

Philip Skinner