

May 22 2014

I carpool to work with 2 guys Tues-Thurs. One of them has this Dodge Charger. He got an oil change and a couple days later drove us to work, but on the freeway it overheated. Found out it’s because the radiator hose was disconnected - not good - he was going about 75 on the free with this big ole V8 for a solid 5 minutes, after the 15 minutes it takes to get to the freeway. No good news yet, almost two weeks later and the oil change mechanic avoided accepting blame, the engine appears seized or fried.

The tow truck drove us all back to our hometown, I hiked back to my truck and had to turn around and drive myself back to work. My coworkers get to work from home a few days a week so they had a break and just stayed in. The whole situation made me 3.5 hours late to work.