May 14 2014
Today at work, it was 97 degrees. I went surfing in just my trunks for the first time in at least 2 years. I think the last time I did that was in cabo. Anyways I got cold after about an hour. Similar to the subject is that my 3 year old wetsuit has holes and hurts to paddle in, and I’m fortunate at my company to occasionally get massive discounts on things - 50% off a new wetsuit - I’m looking forward to that arriving in the next few days.
Tonight I went to the usual laundromat spot a couple blocks away and as I pulled up I could tell things weren’t going to go smoothly. There were dozens of huge empty boxes for washers and dryers lined up on crates along the curb for a half block and also piled into some pickup trucks and trailers. I parked and scoped inside to find out that half the place was ripped apart and the floor was covered in… Not clean floor.. And the 5 or 6 “commercial” (more expensive) machines were all that stood, and they were all in use. It’s okay, plan b was to drive up the street a little to another laundromat I’ve passed by a ton. So I went there and aside from the monk washing monk robes and the old dog that wouldn’t move for carts and the dad taking out frustration on his kid for forgetting to sort her laundry basket, and the dog owner who refused to use any other dryer in the entire place except for the three I was using, so we waiting and huffed and puffed as the minutes counted down, it’s just like the other place.
I think I’ll take my clothes back to the boat for folding.