

Friday - Sunday April 27 2014
On Friday night Mia and I decided to have dinner out as a simple celebration for her finishing a nearly 30-page research paper and also a raise for me. The day before, it was hot and sunny and just perfect for cruising to get tacos and beers, unfortunately Friday was overcast and chilly but we braved the elements and biked anyways, it was less than a mile. Well, surprise surprise, it was pouring rain when we finished dinner.
“Can I bike back and get my truck that way I can retrieve the bikes and get you home dry?”
Mia refused.
“Ok then should we just get a cab?”
Mia still shook her head, “nah it’ll be fun to ride back in the rain”
It was admittedly something you just have to do and smile while doing it. However, she was wearing brand new white pants and those didn’t fare so well with the puddles splashing and dirty bike seat from rain sort of washing out the dirt on the vinyl seat.
Saturday I prepared a semi new surfboard with fresh wax and a grippy foam pad for the back foot.
Sunday we anchored out in the channel in the beautiful weather and I unpeeled the rest of the painters tape from around the cetoled wood and Mia was able to get law school work done. We balanced relaxing and enjoying the boat all while getting important work done, and I can never complain about that.

Philip Skinner