February 23 2014
Friday was a laundry day, and using the public laundromats means sometimes accidentally taking home things that aren’t yours. Like a toddler sock. To make room for folding clothes I need the entire dining/bed area for folding and sorting clothes into groups before they get packed away in bins. I will say, I have more clothes now than I need, or have space for.
On Saturday I needed to go to the pump out dock. This was easier said than done because as we motored over to the two docks that have pump equipment, the sailboat was tied up and left at one of them, and about 20 harbor seals were in control of the other dock. I gambled and decided to go in anyways - the pump out needed to happen - luckily they all got scared and dove into the water to bark and stare at me, except for the largest one.
After that we anchored for a couple hours and played cards, snacked, napped, and watched a nice ketch come in and anchor next to us. This boat had enough chain that they just dropped anchor and floated practically right above the anchor, with the chain pointing straight down… Ah the pleasures of having a large sailboat and windless (motor to pull up the heavy chain and anchor).
On Sunday the weather was great and we drove over the bluff cove, the same cove we always anchor at, to check it out from shore. It is a quick hike down to the beach, which is rocky and natural and had marginally rideable surf. It would be fun to anchor out and paddle in to surf this wave, something I may try one day. It really felt like 80 degrees so an iced coffee was warranted, and looked cool.