Hurricane Odile was incorrectly forecasted to brush past cabo. All of the resort staff told us not to worry, meanwhile we received bulletins under the room doors thst escalated the severity every few hours beginning Saturday night. The hurricane hit cabo San lucas like a bullseye and as the eye diminished, the winds and rain parked over the baja peninsula, about 4 - 5 times the entire width of land.
We had originally been put with a group of 12 and placed in an emergency stairway corridor. As night fell and the front smashed into us, it was clear that we were no longer safe.
After a few hours of missing Karen, who was hiding in a bathroom for safety with another group caught off guard by shattering glass, we all reunited around midnight in a giant ballroom.
The next morning the general manager was giving a speech on safety procedures when the ballrooms leak, rain soaked steel struts and decorative ceiling began to collapse. I got the hell out to the only exit I could find, a cement loading dock. The resort was and still is a disaster zone.