
A Bayou Birthday Dinner

To celebrate our friend Kait's birthday there was a big dinner at her and Kevin's Silver Lake apartment - yes, the same place I recently cracked my chin open. I pledge not to ever stand on their balance board again.  

This time Kevin went to a restaurant and picked up pounds and pounds of food: potatoes, shrimp, corn, crab, and more. Dump it all over the table and everyone just gathers around and eats with their hands.  

The group that was up at the cabin the previous weekend (and post) plus some more close friends and Kaits parents and aunt were all in attendance to celebrate. After drinks and dinner and drinks and some coffee everyone was wired and we went to place nearby called Funky Soul. As is obvious from the name, you dance to funky soul music spun on turn tables. 

The feast  

The feast  

Kait and Mia not letting messy hands get between them and some wine  

Kait and Mia not letting messy hands get between them and some wine  

We're really lucky that Leif has a skill for taking photos  

We're really lucky that Leif has a skill for taking photos  

A night at Funky Soul

A night at Funky Soul

Philip Skinner