Weekend List
I work in accounting Monday through Fridaystarting between 8 and 10 am to 6 or 10 pm. Surely almost all of us make to-do lists. Ideas and reminders strike me at random times throughout the day and I hate when I can't recall what it was at a later time. If my phone is nearby I'll just add it to a list in the 'notes' app. Anyway, on some lunch breaks I take a walk and brainstorm what projects and things I can do when I know I'll be in town for the upcoming weekend. I get fulfillment out of starting and finishing as much as I can on my own, that's why living on a sailboat (which require endless amounts of work) was appealing rather than a burden. In contrast to my full-time job, which I don't really get any fulfillment from.
Also in contrast to my job, when I take those lunch break walks I also catch up on a list of bookmarked blogs of sailors, hikers, travelers, and photographers. Somewhere along the walk and staring at my phone, I read about Vasquez Rocks. It's an hour drive away and I wanted to go this weekend, I wanted to revisit that feeling of escape I received from that Running Springs hike last weekend. By the end of the week my to-do list was accumulating into a dozen bullet points of varying priority and not even on that list was to actually get out and hike Vasquez Rocks. Fine, another time. I knocked out 9 of 12 of the bullets on my list including installing a roof rack on my truck, getting a white elephant gift for a work function, mailing a birthday gift to Matt, getting an oil change, washing the boat, washing the truck, etc etc. Routine things, but we haven't been "home" often for months and it feels great to accomplish even the little things.
The campershell that I mounted the racks to is not rated to carry more than 150lbs - and I don't plan on loading anything close to that up on top either, however I went to the hardware store and came up with a way to use metal as a dual purpose backing-plate to spread the weight on the racks as well as hanger points to tie and mount things on the interior of the shell. I also had to make two trips to hardware stores for bigger mounting harware than what was provided. I'm happy with the result. I think my accessorizing is finally over, after having the vehicle for almost 12 years, I guess I got interested in improving it a little now that I dumped so much money on the transmission because I realized I'm going to have it awhile longer. I also have a re-found interest in taking it places to car-camp comfortably in the bed (or a tent) and hit a trail, waves or whatever destination early the next day on weekends. We'll see. Maybe I've been reading too many adventure blogs lately.
New racks from Vantech in black aluminum
Mia and I both washed our cars and the sun finally came out = photo op
I finally stuck my custom bear sticker on. It anyone's looking close, I broke off a bolt on the rack by tightening it too tight.
A Cenoura got a wash for the first time in about 7 months to get the layers of dirt off and I did an "on hands and knees" deck inspection and found out I need to replace a halyard.