Row Around
The day finally came that I could drill (thanks to Jim on sv Blue Sky for the hole-saw) an access-port in the new dinghy in order to install the mainsheet cam cleat with proper backing plates. I also re-installed and bedded some cleats and eye-bolts. The truth is, the 4" west marine access port requires a 4.5" diameter hole to be sawed. I found this out after (this is embarrassing) the drill bit that Jim loaned me was too big for my handheld drill, but I found a wrench socket to fit, so I physically spin the saw by wrenching it in circles and pressing against the surface as hard as possible. It didn't sound pretty but it worked perfectly fine. Then I realized the port needed to be a 0.5" wider diameter so I traced a tanget circle with sharper and sawed the rest out with a blade. Seriously fun stuff.
Mia enjoying a beverage and rowed tour
I also adjusted the oars one more time and wasted an hour trying to run the mainsheet until I gave up and went back to the mental drawing board. Mia and I set off to cruise around the marina, the weather was extremely calm and comfortable to paddle around and check out boats. If you look closely, there is white duct tape on my thumb because I accidentally drilled into it. Given the sawing and drilling and everything, I feel okay that it was my only injury.
Me sitting reverse direction to row / maintain a happy balance of the dinghy
Mia snagged some good iPhone pictures while I snagged some fun barrels
Also, the favorable weather and waves meant I got some bodysurfing in Saturday morning. On Sunday afternoon Mia and I went and tossed the newly bought frisbee around at the beach, witnessed the end of a slow sailboat race, and I jumped in the ocean again during sunset.